A hybrid mental health training for non-mental health trained professionals working with international students


Non-mental health trained professionals working with international students often have to manage difficult and complex situations. Training is needed to equip them to recognise and assist when someone has a mental health issue. This workshop aimed at increasing knowledge about mental health issues and concerns, how to identify signs and symptoms, what can you do to offer practical help and instant support to students, and what are the current resources available in the community with regard to mental ill health and mental vulnerability. There will be some interactive activities to facilitate participants’ learning.

Coby is an experienced mental health practitioner with a passion for life, health, and healing. As an advocate for good mental health, Coby regularly presents at conferences and facilitates training workshops across different states in Australia and internationally. He has extensive experience working with clients from various backgrounds and cultures, and he offers more than ten years of professional work experience in areas such as mental health counselling, emotional wellbeing, child protection, international education, community development, and LGBTIQ support. Coby is dedicated to encouraging people to take greater responsibility for the long- term functioning and health of their mind and the minds of those around them.


Dec 03 2021


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm