Approving U18 welfare arrangements for offshore students

Ms Lucy Jenkins1


A discussion around maintaining compliance with Standard 5 while approving new and updated U18 welfare arrangements during the period of bordure closures.

This discussion will include RMIT’s strategy for continuing U18 welfare approvals in 2020, including the introduction of a new welfare option available to students to ensure that offshore U18 students are able to commence their studies with a valid COE and without delay.

This session will cover:
– Managing U18 student welfare arrangements when the borders reopen.
– Keeping agents connected to the changing U18 landscape.
– Maintaining accurate details in PRISMS.


Lucy has worked with under-18 international students since 2015 in purpose-built student accommodation and university settings. She has spent time in China and Vietnam working with various education agents delivering training on decision making and applications for under-18 students. Lucy’s main focus is child safety and compliance quality for very young international students.

She currently works as the International Student Services Coordinator at RMIT University.

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