Child protection Overview – the basics for a child safe organisation

Facilitator: Brett Lyon

‘It takes a village (and the receptionist, the fees officer, and the IT assistant!)

This workshop is for those who come in contact with under 18s and have never had any previous basic training in Child Protection and who want to know more so that they can respond appropriately. It is not suitable for mandatory reporters who are required to complete accredited training.

The workshop will cover the basics of abuse and neglect and provide an awareness of the appropriate responses. The workshop will provide opportunity for participants to share ideas and consider the efficacy of the process / policy in their organisation.


Brett J Lyon has more than 20 years’ experience in education working in early childhood, primary, vocational and higher education. He spent his early career teaching primary school and English in Australia, Britain and Switzerland as Deputy Head in the International School system. He has been a project manager with NSW Department of Community Services, curriculum and course developer, policy writer, student services manager, assistant registrar and is currently quality and compliance manager for a non-profit RTO. . Brett has been Communications Manager for the ISANA National Council since 2016. Brett was recognized by CISA in 2016 for his contribution to the international student community.

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